Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!

No, not Marcia Brady. Marcia Dawson DVM.

Dr. Dawson is a Scottie aficionado and all around great person. She’s also one of the leaders of the Scottish Terrier Club of America.

The Dad Peep and I are indebted to her for writing an article about hemangiosarcoma for the Bagpiper magazine (the magazine of the STCA) and including Stuart’s story and link to Stuart’s Fund.

For your reading pleasure and with Dr. Dawson’s permission, I’ve posted the article below. “Bigify” it by double clicking.


We can beat this thing called HSA. Thank you Dr. Dawson and the SCTA!

WCW - new 2-3-16

About The Scottie Chronicles

Winston welcomes you to The Scottie Chronicles - a blog that began in 2009 as a voice for Stuart, a more than memorable black, brindle and white Scottish Terrier who captured hearts around the world. Stuart passed suddenly in December 2015 from cardiac hemangiosarcoma, a nasty cancer that took him far too early. If you love Scotties, please follow along. Arroooo!
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16 Responses to Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!

  1. it gives hope to read that the researchers are on the way to find treatments… and maybe once everything C is no longer the thing we fear like crazy…


  2. What a great article. And how wonderful to include Stuart’s story


  3. theguster says:

    Bless Dr. Dawson for writing this article and her interest in finding a cure. May ample funds continue so that research can quickly find a cure for this ‘ticking time bomb’ that has devastated too many canines and their owners.

    McDuff’s Mom


  4. nordhuesn says:

    Bless you Peeps and the good Dr for being such advocates for this scurge. We pray for a cure. Mom holds her breath each time me n Andy go for our annuals. Doesn’t Stuart look debonair in print??!!


  5. Roxanne, Truman, Callie & Mandy says:

    Dr. Dawson is the BEST! I hope the Bagpiper article results in more donations to Stuart’s Fund.


  6. corkscot says:

    The Bagpiper always has interesting articles about Scotties and their health issues. They have funded a lot of research into medical issues. I have been a member for about 20 years.


  7. Kismet says:

    We have a 2 vet office. One of the vets is Denise Dawson.


  8. Marty the Manx says:

    Fantastic! Hope this helps peeps contribute to Stuart’s Fund!


  9. Thank you so much! Michele & Fiona


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