For Daisy

Are these the most wonderful bandanas you’ve ever seen? For dogs. Cats. Ferrets. Capybaras. Guinea pigs…you name it. If there’s a neck, there’s a bandana.

Here’s why you need one:

  • Each is a handmade design. Every. Single. One.
  • Easy snap-on and -off.
  • Washable.
  • 100% of every purchase supports Stuart’s Fund.

In Loving Memory: Daisy

Through the special magic of blogs and social media, we learned of a beautiful Scottie named Daisy who passed suddenly in 2021 from hemangiosarcoma. Just like Stuart, who passed in 2015. (And just like so many precious companion animals who are struck suddenly by this disease for which there is no cure and no treatment.)

After Stuart passed, The Scottie Chronicles blog evolved to The Scottie Chronicles – Winston’s World. Winston, now 7 years old, keeps us laughing and filled with love.

Stuart’s Fund held a giveaway during a 2022 T-shirt fundraiser and the world came full circle. You see, Cherry, a red wheaten Scottie who fills the void Daisy left behind, won the shirt. And we were reunited with our blog friend from the past. We’re now following each other on Instagram and sharing our love of Scotties.

Daisy’s peep still feels the pain of her loss. A talented seamstress, she wanted to help raise funds for hemangio research. So, she designed, assembled, and donated the pinwheel of colorful bandanas in the photo above.

There were 42. But Winston chose a howliday ‘dana to sport with his stylish beard.

So that means you have 41 bandanas to choose from!

Take a look at these:

Flirty flowers and smileys
Cookies and milk anyone?
A closer view of all of the patterns. Aren’t they wonderful? If they were big enough, I’d wear one as an ascot.

OK friends…… give me a little while to create “buy” buttons on the blog and we’ll open up for YOUR shopping pleasure. And I’ll share a few things that Daisy wants you to know about hemangiosarcoma.

Daisy thanks you. Daisy’s peep thanks you. Cherry thanks you. Stuart thanks you. And I thank you. But just think of all of the others who will be so grateful for your support.

About The Scottie Chronicles

Winston welcomes you to The Scottie Chronicles - a blog that began in 2009 as a voice for Stuart, a more than memorable black, brindle and white Scottish Terrier who captured hearts around the world. Stuart passed suddenly in December 2015 from cardiac hemangiosarcoma, a nasty cancer that took him far too early. If you love Scotties, please follow along. Arroooo!
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7 Responses to For Daisy

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much for hosting the fundraiser to help fight hemangiosarcoma! I have had dogs my entire life and never heard of this horrible disease. I felt like the worst dog mom ever – how could I have not known?! That is what makes this so horrible…you often don’t know until it’s too late. Daisy had her yearly check up and blood work 3 weeks before she passed.

    We all know how much our dogs are truly part of our families!! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for helping Stuart’s fund!!


    Carrie, Cherry, and Angel Daisy


  2. rjkeyedup says:

    Looking forward to the purchase button!!


  3. Anonymous says:

    I love the bandanas with the Scottie images. We lost our first Scottie, Hobbes, to this hemangiosarcoma blood cancer that took him before he turned 4. Recently, we lost our Kaos to a blood cancer that vexed even the vets, but are consoled and grateful we were together into his healthier older age of 14.5. (I believe pesticides contribute to this blood cancer in our dogs, and am doing what I can to ensure their food is safe, and their outdoor experience is as well to avoid those as best as possible. They are earth dogs, after all, just need the healthy earth!)


  4. randycrumbaker says:



Go ahead...Bark Out Loud! ArroOOOO!

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