About Me

Stuart at 10 weeks. With floppy ears.

“The Scottie Chronicles” blog is the brainchild of Stuart, an exceptional Scottish Terrier, who, of course, is the center of the universe. (As all Scotties are.)

And I am Stuart.  The circumstances of my birth are, I guess, pretty hum drum, but I almost didn’t make it.  I look a bit odd as most Scotties go.  I’m a brindle and black and white specimen.  That’s right.  Black, brindle and white.  I have beautiful white patches on my back, on my belly and on my chin.  (I even had a white toenail when I was a wee lad.)  That’s what almost did me in.  (Not the toenail. The white.)

See, the people who bred my parents to create me and my siblings were none too pleased to see how I looked when I arrived in the world, so they simply ignored me.  That’s animal abuse of the worst kind I think, don’t you?  I didn’t know how to play or how to relate to other dogs or to people.  It was pretty sad.  Those people even thought of putting me out of their misery.

Then it happened.  I met Them.  They loved me at first sight and here I am.  You might say that They paid to rescue me.  If you want to know more, check out my very first post.

Back to The Scottie Chronicles.

I’ll attempt to post daily, but you must understand that naptime might overcome my desire to write. Or a chipmunk might call me away from my office. Or I might be running along the ocean. These are just a few of my favorite things.

A couple of things to keep in mind as you peruse my musings….

Only my last 5 posts will display from the Home Page.

To see more, simply choose the Archives option and click on a Title you’d like to read. I recommend that you get to know much more about me by reading The Scottie Chronicles post. (Here’s where you’ll find that I refer to my beloved peeps as “Her,” “Him,” “She,” “He,” etc. With capital letters. It’s just the way I want to write about Them and Us.)

You could also just click on the “previous entries” or the “next entries” option at the bottom of each page of posts to see more of my thoughts and adventures.

Please feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you. I love mail. (Not just the kind that gets stuffed through the door either.)

Check back often. Thanks for visiting.

“Roo Roo,”


Editor’s Note: Stuart passed on December 12, 2015, from hemangiosarcoma. The Scottie Chronicles continues in his name as a celebration of the bond between humans and their dogs. Long live Stuart! And welcome Winston, who joined Us three years ago!

75 Responses to About Me

  1. Lucy says:

    Hi there Stuart.
    My human girl told me about your blog. She said that you were kind of like my cousin, by family connections of course. She isn’t one for blogging, too much reading and stuff. I, on the other hand, love to hear about new things and new friends. Hope to check in to see what you are up to daily! I also wanted to tell you that I love your photo on the beach. It must be nice to run off of a leash, free like the wind. My girl tells me all the time that if I would listen and come when she called me, I too, could go leashless sometimes. Sigh, I just don’t know what gets into me. I want to just go!!! So much to smell and new things to see. I would probably never find my way home. I should try to listen though. Did your humans tell you that I am of mixed breeds? I have reddish hair, long from the Golden Retriever in me; and that my tongue is almost solid black, from the Chow Chow on the other side? Oops, have to go for now. I think She may be on her way home from work. She hates it when her keyboard is left askew. Makes her paranoid…thinks someone has been in the house. That will never happen!!! I will save that story for another time. Later, Lucy


  2. Cooper says:

    I love your blog Stuart! Would you like to go to Raleigh? There is a group of NC State senior girls who have a mouse in their apartment. They have named the mouse Minky. Do you think you could ever so gently scare the mouse out of their apartment? They don’t want him to be hurt, just chased away. The maintenance man at the apartment complex has offered to set a trap; but that would hurt Minky!

    My late girlfriend was a Westie. Like Scotties they are ratters too. Did you know that some people say that terriers are natural born killers? I am not sure this is true. If so, only when it comes to rodents.

    You are so cute! Do you have a sister?


    • Hi Cooper! Thanks for dropping by The Scottie Chronicles. First things first: yes, you KNOW we’re natural born killers, but that doesn’t sound very nice, does it? We do what we have to do when we have to do it. These days, we don’t do much killing. BUT, we can protect a thing or two. That includes flushing out mice. But I have to tell you, when you attach a name to something, it’s pretty hard to get rid of it isn’t it??? Kind of like eating “Porky the Pig.”

      You make me blush. Yes, I do have a sister. Huuummmmm……..


  3. Geri Oliver says:

    Hi Stuart!
    Your humans come to The Hamlet on weekends in the summer to cool off at the pool and my daughter and I chat with them. I remember when they first got you and keep up about how you are doing through them. Glad to see your writing career is taking off! I knew you were destined for great things : )


  4. Ruby Tuesday and Jack the Lad says:

    Hi, Stuart! You are a lovely wee man. We learned about your blog from our friend McDuff the westie, at Mostly Westies. We are two cairns from Canada. We enjoyed your blog very much…Congrats on your 100th post!
    Ruby Tuesday and Jack the Lad


  5. Willow says:

    Hi Stuart,

    You are a very handsome fellow. I just found out about your blog. I wish I had known about it sooner so we could help you with your 100th post. I am a Westie and I am happy to make a new friend. I will be checking your blog often to see what you are up to. I always like to hear about other’s adventures.

    Your friend, Willow


  6. Ken says:

    Stuart–I just found your blog by chance. I’m looking forward to reading it and getting to know you better. You’re obviously an exceptional fellow–all dogs with beards and eyebrows are exceptional. 🙂 My wife and I are currently having to live without any Scottish family members–which is very sad. The squirrels run free in our yard and the UPS men leave packages without so much as a “WOOF!” to keep them on their toes. I’m looking forward to your blog, Stuart!


  7. scottishdogs says:

    Dear Stuart

    I think Bonny (my housemate) wants to be your girlfriend and I am getting worried, but mum says you are far far away so I just distract Bonny from seeing the site. We are woofing at something outside now. Wish you were here!

    Respect to Scotties
    Hector McKenzie


    • Hellooooo Hector,
      Thanks for spreading the word about The Scottie Chronicles. We love it when folks like to read about Scottie things. Scotties rock and rule as far as We’re concerned. Wish We were there across the pond with you too! Keep me posted on all you do. Roo Roo, Stuart PS Give Bonny a pat for me, will you?


  8. scottishdogs says:

    Hi Stuart

    Mum has been chuckling as she read about you. Your picture is very cute and we think brindle, black and white is amazing. I am bored of black and your ears are particularly cute.

    Now what’s this about you having a typist…?
    and Bonny Too


  9. Peggy says:

    How cute to read about other Scotties being such mousers! Couple times a year we’ll have a mouse which Button will let us know by sniffing along the cabinets and baseboards. So hubby will set the traps and sure enough we were invaded. She’s really much better than having a dreaded cat and so much prettier. LOL


  10. Yvonne says:

    Love the baby pictures Stuart. You are still so adorable. Thanks for coming in today. You made my day.


  11. Dolly says:

    Hi Stuart,
    Your godmother said I should introduce myself to you. We may have met in her basement at some point but I can’t remember. Getting up there in age, you know. I turned 10 last month. My name is Dolly – after Dolly Parton. Yes, I’m ‘built’ and blonde – very blonde. Anyway, I’ve finished my first course of chemo and started my second course last week. Vincristine – I don’t know what that is but it makes me sick and I don’t eat for days after I get it. I’m looking a little shabby right now. Hair loss from the chemo. It doesn’t really bother me but MyPerson sometimes feels sorry for me.
    Oh, sorry to hear about the cat thing. I dug under the fence so I could follow some critters in the woods. When MyPerson found me, she was all in a panic. I don’t know what the problem was. I knew where I was the whole time. Humans can be such strange beings, can’t they? – Dolly


  12. Ruth says:

    You are my boyfriend but it looks like you are getting around quite a bit these days. Forget those silly hats and come see me for a carrot and a bone!

    Your best girl,
    Dixie Belle


    • Dixie Belle!!!!!!!!! THERE you are!!!

      I’ll have to speak with Her about having you come visit me. Actually, we’ve got way too many ponds these days at Our house, so maybe I’ll just have to visit you at your place?? (Ssshhhh… we won’t tell Sniglet. This’ll be our little secret, n’est pas??)

      Arroooooo! Stuart


  13. Duffy says:

    Hi Stuart, just found your blog link from Scottish Terrier News – you have a really nice site – like the photos of you! I am a 5 yr old black scottie and my mom, a photographer, likes your site, too – here are some photos of me from my set on flickr, http://tinyurl.com/4kon6b4 – be well!
    ~ Duffy, in Minnesota!


    • Whoa, Duffy! Those are some great photos of you! I’m five, too! We gotta figure out how to leave comments on your Flicker site. Our bulb can be a bit dim sometimes and She hasn’t signed up for a Yahoo account. And We’re having trouble the Google one, too. Thanks for stopping by!

      Arroooooo! Stuart


  14. dorothy doheny says:

    We think you are very handsome. We are 3 Scots from Wisconsin. Our oldest brother Fergus is jet black, and my “twin”
    Tavish is a red colored wheaten. I am a very light wheaten, and my name is Finley, which means white warrior. My peeps are into Scotties and when Mom saw you she thought yaou are very cute and those breeders should rethink what they are doing. How cruel!
    Your new friends in Wisconsin, USA


  15. Pat Foster says:

    Hi Stu, My owner, Ms Pat, has been yapping all evening about meeting you at the Oyster Fest today. I wsh we live close to each other so we could play together. I normally don’t like other dogs but you sound so interesting. I don’t care much for small children either. They always like to pat me on top of my head and I like to smell their hands first. After all, I don’t know where thoes hands may have been if you know what I mean. BYW, my AKC registered name is Foster’s Black Pearl of Virginia. How does that handle grab you? I like simple things so i just go by Pearl. You say you have a bend tail, thats OK, personality is what counts. Ms Pat is always commenting on my tail, she calls it a carrot tail. Hopefully Ms. Pat can get someone to help her put my picture on this computer so you can see what a looker I am. Ms. Pat is not the brightest bulb on the tree when it comes to these fancy machines. But I do want you to get a look at me. I am the cutest female Scottie this side of N.C.. And I am a little spoiled to. Well, you take care of that tail and maybe I can get back on this computer later and we can yap a little together. Love
    Colonial Heights, Va.


  16. suzyplatt says:

    hi i nominated you for four awards check out this post http://suzyplatt.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/thank-you-for-the-awards-part-1/


  17. WOW! Thank you so much! We’re honored!

    Aroo, Stuart


  18. yashikibuta says:

    Hey Stuart! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award! Click here to see the rules http://yashikibuta.wordpress.com/2012/04/04/versatile-blogger-award/


  19. Kim Barker says:

    Hi, Stuart! My name is Lucas. My peeps told me about your blog. I am lovin’ it! Maybe we’ll see each other at Woofstock this year!? I have a question for you. I overheard my peeps wondering if I can swim. I have never tried it before. Do you swim? Do you like water? I’m not sure what to expect. I love baths…but let’s face it. It’s not the same. Help! Besides being the most handsome of the canine world, are we supposed to be somewhat decent swimmers too??
    Thanks, Stuart


    • Welcome Lucas!!!! ARrOOOoooo to you and yours!

      I have to say, no, I don’t swim. And I’m sad to share that while some of us do swim, most of us don’t and, in fact, we sink like cinderblocks I’m told.

      So, if I were you, and I was gonna get in the water, I’d have a wee life jacket on.

      As much as I love the beach, and the water for that matter, I’ve never been in more than an inch or so.

      Keep me posted on your swimming excursion, K?

      Aroooo! Stuart


  20. Kim Barker says:

    Thanks so much for your wisdom, Stuart. I shall keep you in the loop on my future swimming endeavours!


  21. Laura Rivers says:

    Good Morning Stuart, wanted to let you know that our mom posted a picture of a handmade quilt on facebook this morning that our grandma made for us. We really love sleeping on it. Simon Henry & Gordan


  22. kzambrano says:

    hello cute Stuart and hello to your humans too what a cute scottie you are no mater what your breeders said about how you look; how i wish i was where you are from it would be a dream come true for me as a pet photographer to photograph a beuatiful dog like you since i don’t have any scottie friend or client to pest with my camera lol at least not yet … nice to read your bloggy 🙂


  23. Pingback: Oh Me. A Cute Pair. Awwwww… | The Scottie Chronicles

  24. veraersilia says:

    Why did it take me sooo long to discover you Stuart ! I am madly in love with Scottish Terriers. But sadly I no longer can have one. Be my long distance Scottie please. I was Sev’s mom and Ian’s and Lili’s and Nou-Nou’s… all now playing over the rainbow.


  25. Oh, Stuart I am so happy you found people to love you tooowooowooow! I had a similar babypuppyhood, but I was on a four foot chain, but now I have my wonderful Mama! Wuvtoyooowooooowoooooo! Ku


  26. Woooowoooooooo! I’ve nominated you for an award: http://haikubyku.com/2013/06/17/wooooowooooo/


  27. alfiethepap says:

    I bet it wasn’t nice being ignored as a pup. I was bought by a lady as a young pup. But when I grew up (about 6 months old) she found out I had a black blob of fluff in the wrong place, and she didn’t want me anymore! Then my people came and told me it din’t matter and that they love me no matter what colour I am! It is nice to find a nice home and people to look after you! I am glad you like playing now, it is a heck of a lot of fun! 🙂



  28. Barney the Corgi says:

    Hi Stuart, how nice that you find a good home now. That’s not nice at all of them to ignore you when you were just a little boy.. you seem so nice.. But all ended well and you found a great home!


  29. doriandean says:

    We love your blog and nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award. I know that you may have gotten it before, and you don’t have to participate, but I wanted to give you acknowledgment for making such a wonderful and enjoyable blog. 🙂



  30. Slobbery kisses… Iz MaggieMae. Nice to meet you Stuart:-). Iz so glad you found a wonderful life :-). My Mommy adopted me from an organization that saved me from being euthanized… Iz so lucky too! Iz loves your blog and all the pictures and posts. Pss, iz can’t swim either, Iz a Bulldog and Iz sink LOL but Iz haz a life jacket :-). I’ll be back to read some more of your stuff… haz a great evening… see you soon


  31. Hi Stu I hope you don’t mind but I nominated you for the Premio Dardos Award, it’s sitting on my blog just waiting for you 🙂


  32. fayelucinda says:

    Hello Stuart, pleased to meet you. I used to have two Jack Russell Terriers and I’m sure they would have been great friends with you… also, they liked to chase away squirrels, which I heard you’re a little scared of (don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone) but they would have been great company to teach you to be big and brave around those tree rats with fancy costumes! Happy blogging!


  33. Maria Tereza Rodrigues says:

    Hello Stuart! I’m Pimenta, I’m 6, and Tereza loves me. She’s so fond of me that she gets me wherever she goes. That’s why I’m here in Miami with her, but in fact I’m from Brazil. But I’m a pure one, good pedigree, do you understand, and brindle too as you, but more black. I would love to hearing from you and change our curiosities and every day life. I also have many to tell and share as Tereza keeps a diary of my things.. Auauauauau


  34. Lori Denise says:

    Hi Stuart! I just nominated you for the 8 Photos of Happiness Challenge here: https://tailsbythesea.wordpress.com/2015/11/01/8-photos-of-happiness-challenge/


  35. Jan Deusebio says:

    Hi I just wanted to send you a note and let you know you’re not crazy you probably are hearing Stuart. I have my office for my pet sitting business in my mother’s basement. Above me is the master bedroom that had a great big picture window with a window seat across it. My mother’s Scotty Abby loved sitting and looking out that window. She would see me come in and go in the basement and wait awhile to see if I would come up to say hello to her. If I didn’t come soon enough she would jump off the window seat trot across the bedroom trot across the dining-room and trot across the kitchen and come down the stairs to find me. And of course you heard the clickety-click of toenails the whole way. When she passed away it broke all of our hearts. And my mother couldn’t handle having another dog for a couple of years. I think Abby did not want to leave my mother alone so she hung out. I would be downstairs and I would hear the thump and the toenail clicking and she would come all the way to the top of the basement stairs and would stop. This happened several times so I finally stopped thinking I was imagining it. When we finally got Ripken ( yes Ripken of the open the bag of flour and spread it all over my kitchen fame Ripken) Abby apparently approved of him and she went on. Rippy was with us for a lot of years and unfortunately we’ve lost him last summer. So my heart breaks for you losing Stuart because mine is still broken with Rippy gone. I’ve heard him in the kitchen and the back porch a few times. That was his favorite place to hang out as it’s a glassed-in porch and he could see all the critters. And I swear I’ve seen nose prints on the glass. But I had gotten Rufus before Ripken passed so I think he figures mom has availability to a Scottie one way or another. Not that he was as good a Scottie as he was but he’s acceptable!
    Again you have all my sympathy on your loss of your boy and I enjoyed meeting him that day when you and he were out enjoying the sun and the grass when my sister and I were training for the 10K and stopped to visit with you.


    • Jan, this means so much to me and it’s so nice to hear from you. When you mentioned Ripken, it all came back to me. I’m so sorry about the loss of Abby and Rippy. You’re so kind to write and tell me your experiences. It’s good to know that our loved ones never really leave us and that they visit and let us know they’re around. Thank you so much. It’s so nice hearing from you. All the best, Nan


  36. Look forward to following your adventures Stuart! x


  37. Peter and Janet MacKerlich says:

    Good Evening, I just wanted to thank you for entertaining me last evening as I stopped in my work vehicle to ask about your beautiful Scottie Winston. It was a pleasure to meet you guys and hear of your love of the breed. They are very special and only for those lucky enough to accept them in their lives. I appreciate the breeder information and shared it with my wife, Janet. She was so excited to see another Scottie! Please take care and be safe. Pete, Janet and of course our Scotties, MacDoughall McTavish and William McGregor.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Pingback: Welcome Major and Champ! | The Scottie Chronicles – Winston's World

  39. Pingback: It’s Wednesday…you know what that means | The Scottie Chronicles – Winston's World

  40. Pingback: Hoist a Pint Day! | The Scottie Chronicles – Winston's World

  41. starfighter441 says:

    I just noticed this again, and realized that my Piper ( in my profile pic ) crossed the bridge 5 years to the day after Stuart…


  42. Pingback: Fundraising Friday – Ta Da!!!!! | The Scottie Chronicles – Winston's World

  43. Pingback: THANK YOU!! | Stuart's Fund

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