Bless The Puppies

Now I lay me down to sleep.

I’m not really sure that I pray. I don’t think I know what that means. Really.

I do think lots about things that worry me, or things that I’m happy about, or things that I’m glad to have.

You know, stuff like that.

Is that praying? Or is that just being thankful? After all, I don’t think I’d like to kneel at the end of the day, put my paws together, close my eyes and, well… pray like some humans do. It’d be awfully awkward for me.

But I do think it’d be nice if we all were to bless some puppies that recently left this world. They were only here for a brief period. Now they’re gone. All except one. How sad.

Is blessing something the same as praying? I wonder.

Bless those little puppies, Hector’s and Bonnie’s, who left the world too soon.

Bless all puppies and dogs who leave too soon.  We grieve for them here in our world, but, in reality, they’re playing and romping around somewhere. Really they are. I know this.

OK. Bless the kitties, too. What would we do without them? Cats, I mean.

What You Learned Today:

  • Animals grieve, too. Hector and Bonnie are wondering where their puppies went.
  • Their peeps are very, very sad.
  • Sometimes puppies are meant to bring joy to us for only a brief period of time.
  • Think about the puppies today.
  • There’s one left: Wellington. Let’s pray he gets big and  strong.  (Ohhh… that’s what praying means…)

About The Scottie Chronicles

Winston welcomes you to The Scottie Chronicles - a blog that began in 2009 as a voice for Stuart, a more than memorable black, brindle and white Scottish Terrier who captured hearts around the world. Stuart passed suddenly in December 2015 from cardiac hemangiosarcoma, a nasty cancer that took him far too early. If you love Scotties, please follow along. Arroooo!
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5 Responses to Bless The Puppies

  1. peggy says:

    God loves all the creatures he created. And in Randy ALcorn’s book Heaven, he gives scripture to support his feeling that our pets, which make us so happy, will be in heaven with us. Look up and see that there will be more than enough room for all of God’s creations to dwell forever together. This is our blessed hope.


  2. Bonnie says:

    “Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless this pet. By the power of your love, enable it to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.”



  3. scottishdogs says:

    What lovely, lovely prayers you have said to poor Bonny’s puppies. I truly believe an angel cupped her graceful hands around Wellington and blessed him with life. And you know, even though we had those beautiful puppies for such a short time, they gave us incredible joy.

    Today I walked Hector and Bonny round the park and they were up to their old tricks (ambushing innocent passing dogs, dashing over to investigate interesting objects/sniffs, ignoring recall and so on). It was just like the old days and they were having fun! And then we come home and check if Wellington is ok – and he is all warm and cosy in his little incubator.

    God bless all our wonderful pets who give us such joy and God bless you – for being there.

    Hector, Bonny and Wellington’s hooman.


  4. Abigail says:

    I just read about it today, we are heartbroken.


  5. Joan says:

    This is so thought full and sweet.


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